About Us
Meon Valley Quilters has over 100 members and we meet on the second Saturday afternoon of each month at 2 p.m. in
Waltham Chase Village Hall in Hampshire. We have a speaker at most of our meetings. See Programme for more details.
We have a large library for members to use and we always have a raffle, sales table, charity stall and refreshments.
Visitors are always welcome at our meetings.
We do not operate a waiting list for people wishing to join our group. Instead we encourage visitors to come to the monthly meetings as often as they can for just £4 per visit and at the end of the year those with the highest number of visits will be offered a full membership should a place become available.
(revised January 2025)
1. The name MEON VALLEY QUILTERS was chosen by the 80+ people present at the inaugural meeting held in Waltham Chase Village Hall on 13th January 2001.
2. The OBJECT of the group is to provide a venue and regular educational opportunities for members to extend and improve their patchwork and quilting knowledge, skills and techniques in a pleasant, friendly and sociable environment.
To this end there will be:
a. Monthly meetings to hear visiting speakers and see their work, or informal social meetings
b. Occasional 'show and tell' sessions by members
c. Occasional exhibitions of members work
d. Library books on patchwork and quilting available on loan
e. Occasional excursions and workshops
3. The MAXIMUM number of members will be reviewed annually, always bearing in mind the capacity of the hall and insurance requirements. Members should attend a minimum of three meetings per year to retain their membership.
4. The ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION is to be set by the committee and should be paid to the Treasurer by the end of December each year. Visitors are welcome at the meetings on payment of a fee set by the committee.
5. The Group is run by a COMMITTEE of:
i. Officers: Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer
ii. Plus further committee members as required
6. THE COMMITTEE is responsible for fulfilling the objectives of the group, for the organisation and running of the annual programme of meetings, workshops, visits and social activities.
7. The ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING will be held in December each year when the committee members will be elected.
8. Any SUGGESTIONS raised by the general membership at the AGM will be considered by the committee for their validity, desirability and expense before any action is taken.
9. The Group's FUNDS are to be held in bank accounts with a small amount in cash for 'floats' needed at the monthly meetings. The RECORDS of the Group's INCOME AND EXPENDITURE are to be kept by the TREASURER who is expected to present an Audited Annual Summary of those accounts to the members annually at the AGM in December.
10. PAYMENTS require the authorisation of two of the three Officers: Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary.
11. The TREASURER is authorised to meet any expenditure necessary for meeting the objectives of the group but any further expenditure must have the approval of the COMMITTEE.
12. The Constitution was devised and agreed on 6th March 2002 and updated in December 2008, February 2014, December 2021, December 2022, January 2025
Updated January 2025
If you would like any further information,
please contact us through the contact page